tools and resources you need to succeed.
The stock market has always been a popular trading and investment option, with millions of investors looking to grow their wealth through stock trading. However, the market can be volatile and unpredictable, making it difficult for investors to consistently make profitable trading and investment decisions. The Market Advantage addresses this challenge by providing subscribers with a daily feed of algorithmic investment data that over 20 plus years has delivered consistent returns of 2% a week, with approximately 80% success rate in any market condition over time*. With our service investors can maximize their profits and minimize their risks.
The information provided has undergone decades of back testing with approximately 6000 stocks and has achieved these amazingly consistent results over time.
This algorithm shares a simple data output to you with the same historical algorithm that has generated historical returns of 2% a week 80% of the time that you can use as you see fit:
Want to learn more? Let the data speak for itself and see actual historical data and its performance for a recent 6 month timeframe using the same methodology that has generated historical returns of 2% a week 80% of the time by clicking the button below.
The stock market has always been a popular trading and investment option, with millions of investors looking to grow their wealth through stock trading. However, the market can be volatile and unpredictable, making it difficult for investors to consistently make profitable trading and investment decisions. The Market Advantage addresses this challenge by providing subscribers with a daily feed of algorithmic investment data that over 20 plus years has delivered consistent returns of 2% a week, with approximately 80% success rate in any market condition over time*. With our service investors can maximize their profits and minimize their risks.
The information provided has undergone decades of back testing with approximately 6000 stocks and has achieved these amazingly consistent results over time.
This algorithm shares a simple data output to you with the same historical algorithm that has generated historical returns of 2% a week 80% of the time that you can use as you see fit:
Want to learn more? Let the data speak for itself and see actual historical data and its performance for a recent 6 month timeframe using the same methodology that has generated historical returns of 2% a week 80% of the time by clicking the button below.
We are a group of Professionals who want to PROVIDE YOU WITH Our stock pick subscription to become a profitable trader.

TheMarketAdvantage is the best and most effective tool I have used to help me succeed with confidence in my stock trading. I love the simplistic, easy to use approach and the back-tested historical data gives me the confidence to go with the winning percentages.

The unique part of the product is that it is simple and elegant but yet it provides me with everything I need to trade with the most profitable edge. Because the data is there for me to utilize to trade as often or as little as I want, I have the freedom to do whatever I want, whenever I want to, wherever I want knowing I have a reliable, holistic, money-making system at my fingertips.

This product is amazing. Never seen anything even remotely comes close to this. The actual, historical success percentages over time is truly amazing to see. Anybody who understands the power of probabilities and basic statistics would appreciate what this product can do for them.
Our service is designed for both novice and experienced investors who are looking for a reliable and profitable trading and investment option. We offer a one-tier $99 monthly (30 day) subscription model, and you can cancel anytime. This current data is derived from the same historical algorithm that has generated consistent, historical returns 2% a week 80% of the time.
* There will be a limited number of subscribers to most effectively service our customers and avoid any market disruptions.
By clicking SIGN UP you will be directed inside the Customer Portal to the available plans for Membership. At this time we offer a special limited time one-tier $99 monthly (30 day) subscription model, and you can cancel anytime.
Please click SIGN UP to be directed to the CHECKOUT and complete the purchase of your Membership to The Market Advantage.
Once your payment is completed you will now be able to Log In to the MEMBERS ONLY areas & YOUR ACCOUNT (Customer Portal) using the Email or Username & Password that you entered during the CHECKOUT process.
At this point you will have access to YOUR ACCOUNT(Customer Portal).
You now can review the following:
- Your Profile
- Payments
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- Logout
At this point you will have access to MEMBER’S ONLY. This will contain access to the current data.
This current data will provide the following information:
1) Stock/ ETF symbol whose characteristics have historically achieved 2% returns a week approximately 80% of the time.
2) The trade date in which the algorithm triggered a potential opportunity.
3) The close price and the volume as of the trade date when the event was triggered.
4) An “Up” or “Down” signal which indicates which direction the security is anticipated to go on the triggered date based on historical performance of similar securities that displayed similar characteristics that has historically achieved 2% returns a week approximately 80% of the time.
5) A price target which would be 2% Up or Down within 5 days of the closing date/ price when the event was triggered by the algorithm.
6) An “Up” price signal– this is the direction that the stock/ ETF is anticipated to go 2% in a week approximately 80% of the time if there is a “1” indicator. This is determined from historical data and the algorithm that has selected similar characteristics which has historically produced 2% returns a week approximately 80% of the time.
7) A “Down” success price – this is the direction that the stock/ ETF is anticipated to go 2% in a week approximately 80% of the time if there is a “1” indicator. This is determined from historical data and the algorithm that has selected similar characteristics which has historically produced 2% returns a week approximately 80% of the time.
8) A “Up” success price signal– If the direction that the stock/ ETF is anticipated to go was “Up” as indicated by a “1” indicator AND the price target of at least 2% was reached in the 5 day trading window, then this “Up” success price signal would be indicated with a “1” indicator. If it did not reach its price target within the 5 day window then this would be indicated by “0”.
9) A “Down” success price signal – If the direction that the stock/ ETF is anticipated to go was “Down” as indicated by a “1” indicator AND the price target of at least 2% was reached in the 5 day trading window, then this “Down” success price signal would be indicated with a “1” indicator. If it did not reach its price target within the 5 day window then this would be indicated by “0”.
10) A “Up” success price – from the historical perspective, any stock/ ETF that achieved its anticipated high price “goal” of 2% higher than the close price within 5 trading days of the triggering date will be shown for illustrative purposes.
11) A “Down” success price – from the historical perspective, any stock/ ETF that achieved its anticipated low price “goal” of 2% lower than the close price within 5 trading days of the triggering date will be shown for illustrative purposes.
The data is generated from a daily algorithm that screens over 6,000 stocks/ ETFs and is run at the end of the trading day and selects stocks/ ETF’s that have shown historical characteristics that achieved 2% returns a week approximately 80% of the time.
No, unfortunately the historical performance is no indication or predictor of what is to come. However, if your investment or trading thesis is to rely on past historical results as an indicator of potential future performance then this stock algorithm derived data may be useful because of its historical consistency based on overall selections and their performance over time.
There is no way of knowing the number of selections that a particular day or week will generate. The results are based on whatever the algorithm produces based on historical stock/ ETF performance characteristics that achieved 2% returns a week approximately 80% of the time. In general, however, I would be comfortable saying that there will be at least 50 selections on any given week.
The short answer is that these thresholds were developed from my personal preference. My personal preference for a trading system revolved around 3 primary characteristics 1) Frequent opportunities 2) Short duration (<= 5 trading days) 3) Consistent returns (2% returns approximately 80% of the time). The simplicity of this system plus the algorithm generated data makes it a very systematic, robotic approach to trading/ investing. In addition, the timely selections with a price target helps provide a holistic decision system that one can choose to follow or have the flexibility to apply other strategies or approaches to each trade as they see fit.
Total historical success 78%. AI Algorithm Generating Consistent Historical Stock Market Returns.
Total historical success 79.4%. AI Algorithm Generating Consistent Historical Stock Market Returns. is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser.
This is for informational purposes only as is not registered as a securities broker-dealer or an investment adviser. No information herein is intended as securities brokerage, investment, tax, accounting or legal advice, as an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy, or as an endorsement, recommendation or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. cannot and does not assess, verify or guarantee the adequacy, accuracy or completeness of any information, the suitability or profitability of any particular investment, or the potential value of any investment or informational source. The reader bears responsibility for his/her own investment research and decisions, should seek the advice of a qualified securities professional before making any investment, and investigate and fully understand any and all risks before investing. in no way warrants the solvency, financial condition, or investment advisability of any of the securities mentioned in communications or websites. In addition, accepts no liability whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this information. This information is not intended to be used as the sole basis of any investment decision, should it be construed as advice designed to meet the investment needs of any particular investor. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future returns.
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